QueensBridge Venture Partners
A history of engaging in highly competitive and visible marketsQueensBridge Venture Partners
QueensBridge Venture Partners has a history of engaging in highly competitive and visible markets. Our collective experience has shaped our approach to investing by allowing us to quickly recognize and capitalize on key trends. Furthermore, by focusing on co-investment opportunities with leading venture capital funds and angel investors in Silicon Valley, we have unique access to very attractive companies. Successful venture capital investing is highly influenced by a network of reputable investors. QBVP aligns itself with firms that have proven their ability to source and invest in the next generation of leading technology companies in Silicon Valley and emerging markets. We bring capital along with our network of industry veterans and corporate relationships to accelerate the development of the companies in which we co-invest. We seek to partner with firms that generate the most value among VCs and back the companies that reach enterprise value of over $1 billion on a regular basis. The general partners of QBVP are industry veterans in consumer products & services, media & entertainment and financial services. We have (i) advised tech, media and entertainment companies in raising over $20 billion of capital at bulge bracket Wall Street firms (e.g. Goldman Sachs; Deutsche Bank) (ii) started over twenty businesses, (iii) produced and/or recorded six number 1 albums on the Billboard 200, (iv) sold over 25 million records worldwide, (v) have products in over 3,000 stores.