A Washington, DC venture capital firmRevolution
Launched by Steve Case in 2005, Revolution seeks to transform whole market sectors by shifting power to consumers. Revolution looks for companies that are attacking large, traditional industries with innovative new products and services. Revolution LLC has three core business groups: Revolution Ventures, Revolution Growth and Revolution Places. Many industries are on the brink of disruptive change: At Revolution they build insurgent companies to capitalize on nascent opportunities. Revolution searches for businesses that recognize emerging market trends and pursues them, taking risks and ultimately defining their industry. Revolution scouts for innovative new products and breakthrough ways of doing things that are currently undiscovered, under-financed, or undone–leaving consumers under-served. Revolution Ventures makes initial early-stage venture capital investments in companies, often in partnership with other top-tier investors, in amounts of less than $10 million. Revolution typically leads early rounds of financing but will also follow other top-tier investors in companies they love with investment partners they trust and respect. The firm is often involved as a Board member with a focus on strategy and developing a competitive position in the marketplace.