Alex Solutions

Empowering the world to quickly find, understand, protect, and ethically use data.
Alex Solutions

Alex is a Metadata Management Platform designed to empower everyone to securely find, understand, protect, and ethically use the world’s data. Recognised by Gartner as a Leader in the Magic Quadrant for Metadata Management Solutions. Alex Solutions is an Australian-based start-up that is bringing innovation and disruptive ideas to the way organisations manage and leverage their information assets. Alex supports the widest range of Use Cases by providing a unique and unified 360o view of Metadata. Unifying Data Quality, Data Security, Risk and Data Management, under a single Data Governance umbrella… and all underpinned with Machine Learning and Intelligent-Actions for better business outcomes. For more information, visit

Taken on 2020-10
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#data analysis
#data management
#data platform
#data privacy