Making robots accessible to everyone.Aubot
We make telepresence robots that make a difference. Teleport enables users to transport themselves anywhere in the world from wherever they are.
Blog Posts
15th February, 2023
Jevaroo – Lift Capabilities
We filmed some more videos of our Jevaroo robot arm in action! Here it is demonstrating its load and...
13th July, 2022
Our Jevaroo Robot arm
Jevaroo is a telepresence robotic arm on a movable platform. Jevaroo empowers people with a disabili...
8th January, 2022
Most influential Women Engineers
Our founder Marita made the list of most influential women engineers in the world, at number 29! See...
26th May, 2021
User trials have begun!
We have begun user testing our Jevaroo robot with people in our R&D office in Melbourne. We’re thril...
19th February, 2021
Business Leader Award by LESA
Our founder Marita Cheng won the international Business Leader Award by LESA for being a leader with...
4th November, 2020
Nexus Impact Accelerator Fellowship
From February – October 2020, we participated in the Nexus Impact Accelerator Fellowship, which bega...
30th August, 2020
Jevaroo prototype
Here is a first look at Jevaroo, the 8 degree-of-freedom robotic arm on a movable platform we’ve bee...
8th May, 2020
Al Jazeera documentary
Al Jazeera English filmed a 25-minute documentary with Teleport, a Teleport customer, our new robot ...
19th February, 2020
10 women-led businesses shaking up Australian tech
Aubot has been named one of “10 women-led businesses shaking up Australian tech”. Thank you TechLife...
17th December, 2019
Binary Shift
Binary Shift: Regional Innovation & Startups Conference, was created to showcase regional entreprene...