Working alongside and with our clients to convert technology ideas into industry and first responder capabilityBIA5
At BIA5 we specialise in the design, manufacture, supply and support of electronic systems for military, law enforcement, Fire and Emergency Services, mining and hazardous environments and private security agencies. Our advanced technological solutions offer operational solutions and reliably expand methods of response to a range of contemporary scenarios. BIA5 leverages a strong track-record in cutting-edge design, engineering, manufacturing, installation and maintenance of robotics and command and control information technology solutions. Our mission is to work with and alongside end users to convert technology ideas into industry and first responder capability; bridging the capability gap and increasing operational effectiveness and personnel safety. BIA5’s management and engineering team hail from diverse operational backgrounds, all have held leadership roles and been active within operational teams, and been involved in the design, maintenance and upgrade of operational defence, policing, intelligence and mission critical communications systems, in real world operations. Within the team is over 50 years experience in the field of covert and overt operational electronic support systems. Our pedigree in military, police and intelligence operations and partnership with internationally recognised research partners help BIA5 be at the cutting edge of customised mechatronics and operations electronics platforms. Whether operational needs are based on gathering evidence, intelligence, mechatronics force platforms or reactive capability, the technology is here today, ready to be customised to your operational needs.
Blog Posts
13th January, 2022
BIA5’s UGV Warfighter platform front and centre in Department of Defence’s C4edge video.
The BIA5 team are extremely proud to see our tech as a part of the #C4EDGE industry collaboration pr...
23rd October, 2021
BIA5’s UGV platform being used by Brisbane-based company Cyborg Dynamics
Watch 9 News article here…. The post BIA5’s UGV platform being used by Brisbane-based company Cyborg...
14th October, 2021
BIA5’s unmanned ground vehicle being used for real-world learning at UNSW Canberra
The UNSW Canberra at the Australian Defence Force Academy is leading the way in teaching AI to their...
22nd September, 2021
BIA5 ATR platforms – representing Australia in ‘Robot Olympics’
Two of BIA5’s ATR platforms have recently travelled to the USA to participate in the DARPA SubT Chal...
3rd July, 2021
BIA5’s latest ATR platform integration
Unveiling BIA5’s latest ATR platform integration, engineered and built in Australia – R.O.R.I. – Rem...
15th January, 2020
OzBot ATR goes anywhere on Earth… and other planets as well
The OzBot ATR is the toughest and most capable platform in its class, according to Deakin University...
11th January, 2020
NASA knows who to call
BIA5 delivers OzBot to engineers at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratories in Pasadena, California. The ...
29th October, 2019
D61+ Live – CSIRO
The Data61+ LIVE free science showcase event was recently held in October at Sydney’s Carriage Works...
25th September, 2019
Long Range Optics
A truly portable capability that can be deployed by a single operator to capture game changing detai...
25th September, 2019
OzMix & OzPhone
When making the call is the most important task. Designed in close consultation with experienced lea...