Learn the easy way. With our all-in-one online training platform.Coassemble
Coassemble is an online training tool that connects people with the information they need – anytime, anyplace. Since our start as humble lines of code in 2015, we’ve always believed in delivering outstanding customer support and constant improvements. Maybe that’s why we’re one of the fastest-growing eLearning platforms on this big, blue ball called Earth.
Blog Posts
8th February, 2021
Is online training right for your team?
If you're unsure if online training is right for you and your team, Ryan and Jude have all the answe...
4th February, 2021
A guide on SaaS product knowledge training
Product knowledge training is an effective and proven way to scale your team's effectiveness and gro...
1st February, 2021
Team Q&A: 7 Questions with our Digital Designer, Kelsy
Whether it's a website refresh or a branding campaign, our Digital Designer Kelsy does it all. Find ...
1st February, 2021
How video reduces training creation and learning time
Did you know creating video training is easier than you think? And the savings it creates can help g...
28th January, 2021
How video training improves employee experience
Employee experience is all about engaging with your team. By leveraging video training, you can impr...
18th January, 2021
WYSIWYG editor went pro
Training creation should never be difficult. That's why we updated the WYSIWYG editor for online tra...
11th January, 2021
Improvements to the learner experience
The learner experience is always our focus. That's why we just delivered some updates to improve it ...
4th January, 2021
The CoLab Podcast Episode 4: Delivering meaningful learning experiences with Jen Jones
Meaningful learning experiences start with the learner. By designing online training to help educato...
24th December, 2020
How Arlo TMS integrates with Coassemble to streamline your training management operations
So, your training management operations deliver online courses. Maybe some face-to-face courses and ...
24th December, 2020
Team Q&A: 7 Questions with our Senior Back-end Developer, Michael
A father, a coder, a gamer, and guitarist, our Senior Backend Developer Michael does it all while ke...