Your trusted companion, creating engaged communities.Conpago
Conpago is an Age Tech Company that uses technology to create engaged communities. We provide solutions to the age services industry to help providers engage, manage and connect to their community. By combining three portals, the Conpago Suite connects seniors, family and care providers and forms a social platform to build positive and thriving communities around aged care services. At Conpago, we are also passionate about empowering seniors to become part of this digital age. We make new technologies easy to use and understandable for everyone. We take all the core features of smartphones and place them on an easy-to-use platform. With the Conpago Companion tablets, seniors can do anything from voice messaging their children, sharing pictures with grandchildren, and accessing community events with friends. We integrate daily habits and technology to allow seniors to connect with their family regularly without the need to learn new skills. Conpago links this new technology with ‘habituated’ appliances to allow the elderly to remain connected with their family while simultaneously creating a social health monitoring solution. The Conpago solution combines passive communication, easy access to technology and the internet, activity and health monitoring and community management.