Covid Comply
Professional contact tracing for businesses and governmentsCovid Comply
COVID Comply helps locations of all shapes and sizes (restaurants, bars, sports centres, museums, offices, stadiums, religious venues, etc) maintain compliance when reopening under the threat of COVID-19 by managing contact tracing for customers and staff. COVID Comply is a leading, global solution with dedicated coverage in Australia, Canada, USA, Ireland, UK. What started as a small idea after six sleepless nights of coding to support my cafe around the corner in Melbourne, Australia has turned into an international market leading solution supporting top tier restaurants (e.g. Attica, #20 in the world in 2018), to high capacity venues (e.g. Partnership with Basketball Victoria with 1100+ venues, 500k+ visitors/week). The customer experience is simple: A business representative will add their venue, COVID Comply automatically configures the appropriate country/state regulations, and finally customers can checkin via a QR code or short URL generated for each location.