Data Dissect
Learning Healthcare System company focused on improving patient care and lowering cost of careData Dissect
Healthcare technology and services company focused on improving patient care and lowering cost of care using machine-learning algorithms to analyse patient data. We design and develop software to assemble, analyse and interpret medical data to enable health professionals across the treatment team to improve patient outcomes and reduce the cost of healthcare in hospitals. The development of a patient learning health care system that enables analysis of treatment episodes to feedback into a patient care algorithm is a powerful tool. Data Dissect is a learning health care system that enables clinicians to gather real time data from multiple users in a safe and secure manner. The data is available for analysis allowing the user to respond to outcomes and monitor the effectiveness of solutions in a real time feedback loop. Cost of care is reduced by standardisation of treatment, reduction of unnecessary investigations and reduction in hospital stay. Data entry is via IPAD or Smartphone and is quickly and easily entered bedside by time poor surgeons and patient treatment staff. Enable healthcare treatment teams to improve quality of care, reduce patients time in hospital, free up hospital beds, reduce Hospital operational costs and revenue leakage due to miscoding of treatment. The building blocks of Learning Healthcare System. Our platform has revolutionised post-operative care. Over a twelve-month period we reduced days spent post operation by 22% for children admitted with complicated appendicitis. In addition, we freed up 3 hours a day for highly trained Nursing and Medical treatment staff by eliminating manual processes.