Not everything can fit in rows and columns. Build something smart, use DgraphDgraph
Dgraph is an open source, low-latency, high throughput, native and distributed graph database. Designed to easily scale to meet the needs of small startups as well as large companies with massive amounts of data, DGraph can handle terabytes of structured data running on commodity hardware with low latency for real time user queries. It addresses business needs and uses cases involving diverse social and knowledge graphs, real-time recommendation engines, semantic search, pattern matching and fraud detection, serving relationship data, and serving web apps.
Blog Posts
4th June, 2020
How I solved Jepsen with OpenCensus Distributed Tracing: A personal journey
This post made it to the front page of Go Reddit for over 24hrs. Do engage in discussion there and s...
2nd June, 2020
"Dgraph, GraphQL, Schemas, and CRUD Summary" from Bill Kennedy
After learning that Dgraph has native support for GraphQL, Bill Kennedy switched gears and re-wrote ...
4th May, 2020
Dgraph GraphQL hits GA with v20.03.1
Dgraph is a distributed, transactional, open source, native graph database. It enables and simplifie...
12th April, 2020
Designing GraphQL schemas
This post made it to top 10 on HackerNews front page. Do engage in discussion there and show us love...
20th March, 2020
Why there would be no Dgraph 2.0: Goodbye Semantic Versioning
There would be no Dgraph 2.0. After 4+ years of releasing Dgraph, we have decided to switch away fro...
12th March, 2020
Encryption at Rest in Dgraph and Badger
We built “Encryption at Rest” in Badger v2. Encryption is complex, but important. With this blog pos...
28th January, 2020
Getting started with Dgraph-8: Easily build location-aware apps using our native geolocation features
Welcome to the eighth episode of getting started with Dgraph. In the previous episode, we learned ab...
17th January, 2020
Getting started with Dgraph tutorials series - 7: Searching user names using the fuzzy search on social graphs.
Welcome to the seventh episode of getting started with Dgraph. In the previous episode, we learned a...
8th January, 2020
What’s Next? Learn Dgraph with the Getting-Started Blog Series
We are excited to announce that the “Get Started with Dgraph” of our documentation site now includes...
17th December, 2019
Releasing Dgraph v1.1.1: upsert blocks, facets, and encryption at rest
It’s been a bit over three months since we released Dgraph v1.1.0 (see the announcement) but the wai...