
A sustainable future

Founded by Clarke Kelland, Oliver Kelland and Cynthia Wallis Barnicoat, DiaperRecycle diverts nappies from landfill, recycling them and making new products for existing markets. Annually in Australia, over two billion used disposable diapers go to landfill. They release greenhouse gases and can take up to 500 years to break down, and are part of a growing global problem. Having worked for a brief time in the recycling industry, Clarke became particularly motivated to find a sustainable commercial solution for the complexity of recycling nappies, combining a passion for making an environmental impact and creating employment with a purpose. A chemical engineer with experience in the pulp and paper industry, having previously produced nappy fibre, Clarke had a good understanding of fibre processing options. Forearmed with the knowledge of failed diaper recycling ventures, he decided to develop his own recycling technology and established a small pilot plant. In 2018, Cynthia came on board to manage the business and stakeholder side, and in 2019 after three years of R&D, they established Kelland Environmental Technology Ltd, of which DiaperRecycle and NappyRecycle are the trading businesses. DiaperRecycle began market testing its first products in 2019, continually refining to meet market need, and was ramping up to establish a fully operational commercial facility when Oliver joined the founding team to engineer the first commercial plant. Focusing first on how to recycle a nappy economically and make products that people want, has meant that a recycling solution has been found and DiaperRecycle is now ready to go commercial.


Melbourne Accelerator Program

Taken on 2020-08
#social impact