

The Australian population is facing a diabetes crisis, where someone is diagnosed with diabetes every 5 minutes. Symptoms of diabetes include: loss of sensation in the feet, loss of circulation, open wounds and decay of skin. This then usually leads to amputation of the feet. The challenge that I see is that Australians are not looking after their feet and healthcare is not readily available to everyone. Seeing a podiatrist is too expensive and for all those Australians that are remote, help is too far away. After graduating from La Trobe University in 2017 with a podiatry degree, I have decided to pursue custom insoles for patients using 3D printing technology. The current prototypes fit perfectly and corrects the foot to a straight position. The Accelerator Program has allowed me to make some great connections who I hope to work with in the future whilst attempting to break into the social enterprise space.

Cohort 3

La Trobe Accelerator Program

#medical device