Fresh Equities
We provide access to ASX capital raises for sophisticated and professional investorsFresh Equities
Fresh is here to empower investors, giving you more opportunities to invest in companies you care about. ASX listed companies raise external capital over 800 times a year, and they work through over 130 different lead brokers. For each broker you need to setup an account, fill in forms and verify your identity. Fresh centralises this process for investors, giving you access to a range of brokers so you can invest in more deals. We also add weight to your bids, pooling them together to create more relevance.
Taken on 2020-07
Blog Posts
8th May, 2020
Say hello to our new homepage
19th April, 2020
Fresh Funds — Edition #23 (18/04/20)
9th April, 2020
Fresh Funds — Edition #22 (09/04/20)
1st April, 2020
Fresh Funds — Edition #21 (01/04/20)
26th March, 2020
Fresh Funds — Edition #20 (26/03/20)
17th March, 2020
Fresh Funds — Edition #19 (17/03/20)
12th March, 2020
Fresh Funds — Edition #18 (12/03/20)
4th March, 2020
Fresh Funds — Edition #17 (3/03/20)
25th February, 2020
Fresh Funds — Edition #16 (25/02/20)
13th February, 2020
Fresh Focus — EcoGraf Limited (ASX:EGR)