Delivering information and services to the hardest-to-reach.Hitnet
Hitnet brings information and services to the hardest-to-reach people in the world. Our Hitnet Community Hubs with WiFi hotspots enable people to connect to online services and access culturally appropriate health and social information. We are a one-stop digital stop for marginalised communities. Our purpose is to co-create a platform for knowledge exchange, to build vibrant, included communities. By 2021, we aim to be improving the lives of 1 million people daily.
Blog Posts
13th September, 2022
Visual Dreaming, a First Nations, female-led and owned technology social enterprise takes next steps to acquire Hitnet.
Julie & Delilah from Hitnet meeting with Visual Dreaming and Wiradjuri Elders in Wagga Wagga Visual ...
17th December, 2021
Hitnet End of Year Highlights
It's the end of another year, the tenth of Hitnet operating as a social business. We have some chang...
24th June, 2021
We were awarded at the NSW iAwards!
Hitnet and ThoughtWorks were finalists and Merit award winners at this year's NSW State iAwards, for...
6th June, 2021
Hitnet Update for 2021
A well overdue update on what’s been happening with Hitnet in 2021.
30th April, 2021
Solomon Islands Technology for Development Challenge wraps up
The Australia Solomon Islands Technology for Development Challenge (SIT4D) has now officially wrappe...
10th February, 2021
'Technology for Development' in the Solomon Islands
Launch of ‘Mobile Tekelea’ at Solomon Islands National University, Honiara, November 2020 Due to the...
10th February, 2021
Improving digital access with the Geraldton Regional Aboriginal Medical Service
In 2016 it was recorded that 57.4% of First Nations households had internet access compared to 82.1%...
10th February, 2021
Strengthening youth mental health in North Queensland with 'Break it Down'
‘Break it Down’ is an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander youth mental health literacy program tha...
18th November, 2020
Break it Down videos now available on Hitnet
The suite of Break it Down short films and music videos, developed by Desert Pea Media and funded by...
10th November, 2020
Dawn of a New Digital Age for the Solomon Islands
AN innovative new interactive learning hub, which features educational, training, and employment inf...