A global idea-sharing platform with over 3,000 positive ideas explained in 100 words or less that can be searchedIdeaSpies
IdeaSpies is a global idea-sharing platform. We believe in sharing innovation to inspire action. The public IdeaSpies shares about 3,000 positive ideas happening around the world, explained simply. You can add to them when you join our IdeaSpies Community . IdeaSpies Enterprise is the private version. It's an idea capture tool that offers a simple, effective, fun way to encourage and rate ideas from employees. It’s easy to use because it’s been refined via the public IdeaSpies platform. Clever ideas need to have a place to be shared to inspire action that makes a positive difference in the world. IdeaSpies is that place. If you see something and think "That's Clever!" it should be on IdeaSpies.
Blog Posts
13th March, 2022
Entrepreneurship and Foreign Policy
Which nations stimulate entrepreneurship in a partner nation as a means to enable and deliver their ...
10th March, 2022
Opportunities for collaboration in innovation between Australia and the US
Following is the transcript of the speech delivered by the Hon. Arthur Sinodinos AO, Australia's Amb...
8th March, 2022
Capitalism Needs New Glasses
Every January, the World Economic Forum releases their Global Risks Report , reminding us, yet again...
22nd February, 2022
What's New and Exciting in Space
The National Space Industry Hub was launched last week and there were over 100 people at that event,...
17th February, 2022
What's New and Exciting in Energy
Great to be with IdeaSpies this morning and great to talk about one of my passion areas, which is wh...
6th December, 2021
Curiosity is the first step to Genius
Leonardo Da Vinci is regarded as one of the greatest intellects of all time. Some estimate his IQ to...
14th November, 2021
Diagnose Your Customer Culture
What happens when you deliver poor customer experiences and get complaints? You might ignore your cu...
3rd November, 2021
Leveraging the golden decade to increase physical activity
Brisbane was excitedly announced as the winning bid by the International Olympic Committee in July t...
6th October, 2021
A new style of leader is emerging
innovative organisations are more likely to recognise the need to focus on encouraging creativity an...
17th September, 2021
Space Inspiration and Innovation
Four non-professional astronauts launched into space this month on the Falcon 9 rocket with the Drag...