
The world's best news, brought together in one place

inkl bundles 100 of the worlds best news titles into one seamless app. No Ads. No paywalls. No clickbait. Follow the biggest stories as they unfold from publishers such as The Wall Street Journal, Financial Times, Bloomberg, The Guardian, The Independent, Sydney Morning Herald, The Age, and many more. Our news is curated by a team of editors. You'll see whats important. Not what an algorithm tells you to read. You can also Dive Deeper into every story, with related articles from our stable of publishers. Here at inkl, we know that everyone needs a dose of good news, so we curate a selection of positive stories for you every day in our Good News section. 'What about personalisation'​ you ask? Our For You feature keeps you across the stories that matter most to you. You can follow important topics, or turn off publishers you want to see less of. At inkl, our mission to help you make more informed decisions. Shaping the future of news, one article at a time.

Taken on 2020-07