Transforming the Experience of LearningInventorium
The Inventorium’s vision is to power young people to have a voice in creating their own future(s). We are a social enterprise, subscription (with scholarships), learning and engagement curriculum that develops young people’s ability to make choices and facilitate their future, by developing their entrepreneurial skills, their community engagement, their employability skills, their well-being and health, and their self-esteem, self-confidence and self-efficacy.
Blog Posts
4th January, 2021
Snakes and Ladders or Monopoly?
As we reach the end of 2020, I think most people who work in Education will simply be thankful for r...
27th September, 2020
‘Fake News’
I am increasingly worried by the number of people who use the term ‘fake news’ as it is a complete o...
11th September, 2020
Australian competitiveness means teens are set up to fail.
I was at a Learning Creates Australia workshop event a few weeks ago where the following chart was s...
2nd August, 2020
Why Interdisciplinarity Wins
Why is interdisciplinarity so important? I have been in the workforce now for over 3 decades and in ...
6th July, 2020
How Homeschooling Works
Many parents end up homeschooling by accident. By this I mean, they didn’t set out to be homeschools...
26th June, 2020
Time to slaughter the Sacred Cows: A response to the NSW Curriculum Review
I looked forward to the report on the NSW curriculum review of education with some optimism as I’d h...
3rd April, 2020
What will replace the ‘School Bell’ in the online home classroom?
I recently had the good fortune of visiting Thebarton Senior College, and I was so excited to find t...
12th March, 2020
Shutting your school? Teaching online is different to teaching face to face
I was an early pioneer of online teaching, teaching through video conference to classrooms overseas ...
5th December, 2019
Stop Blaming the Teachers for Poor Results
We’ve seen a decline in PISA comparative results for Australia for nearly 2 decades now, and what ha...
30th August, 2019
POLL: Would this do anything to motivate you?
Is it me, or is Australia in deep trouble? I’ve spent 3 years developing an alternative curriculum a...