Juggle Street
An online neighbourhood babysitting networkJuggle Street
Juggle Street is a real-time, on demand job platform designed to address multiple “family jobs” required during daycare, primary school & high school. Juggle Street is unlocking a new, underutilized pool of local helpers who are keen to provide services such as before and after school care, nannying, home tutoring, and car-pooling for weekend sports. Juggle Street launched its MVP in November 2014 and now has 20,000 registered users in Sydney. The trend of “both parents working” continues unabated, parents are being forced to outsource more of their family care. Increasing commute times make it even harder for busy families to identify and connect with their neighbours. Today’s AO generation, stay-at-home moms and empty-nesters are also disconnected from their neighbours. However they need money and they are very keen to work. Juggle Street facilitates this natural double-sided market.