Kin Sitters
Trusted babysitters on demandKin Sitters
Kin is the simplest way to find a qualified and trusted babysitter in your area instantly. Put in your time and date, confirm the cost of the job, review the babysitters available then request your favourite. All they have to do is accept or decline the job. The first sitter to respond gets the job! You’ll get notified that a babysitter is booked and can check the status of a request in the app at any time. No awkward cash handling! Through the Kin app we track the time and calculate how much you owe based on the rate in your sitter’s profile.
Blog Posts
28th February, 2022
Kin Sitters Covid Plan: Our tips to staying safe together
Kin Sitters Covid Plan: Our tips to staying safe together Finding a babysitter you can trust is more...
25th March, 2020
A Message to Our Carers During the COVID-19 Pandemic
I Need to Hear Your Thoughts These are extraordinary times! The state borders are closing, schools a...
17th March, 2020
Keeping Families and Kin Sitters Healthy During Coronavirus
Family and sitter health is top priority for the Kin community. With concerns over Coronavirus incre...
11th April, 2019
Trust a Stranger With Your Child
Danger Danger? My Babysitter is an Online Stranger! “Hi I am Kelly and I am here to look after Eva a...
31st December, 2018
5 Signs You Can’t Trust Your Perth Nanny Agency
Here are 5 signs for parents and carers to look out for when knowing whether to trust a nanny agency...
17th October, 2018
Big vs Boutique – Is Family Day Care Important?
Here at Kin Sitters, we’re taking a look at the Big vs the Boutique in terms of family day care opti...
3rd October, 2018
Home Daycare or a Child Care Centre? 7 Tips to Help You Decide
Why Home Daycare Might be Right for You Perth parents often struggle in making a decision to go eith...
19th September, 2018
How Childcare Experts Find Highly Paid Daycare Jobs in Perth
It can be difficult to know how childcare experts find highly paid daycare jobs in Perth. If you’re ...
5th September, 2018
Our Expert Tips To Help You Find a Nanny in Perth
Are you in the market to find a nanny in Perth that’s a cut above the rest? Here are a few tips on w...
22nd August, 2018
Our Expert Guide to Finding The Perfect Babysitting Agency in Perth
Are you looking for a babysitting agency in Perth? Choosing the perfect local babysitter can be a st...