Land Insight Resources
Innovation in Environmental Risk DataLand Insight Resources
Land Insight Resources uses industry best practice environmental analysis, paired with advanced data analytics to quickly identify environmental risks and land contamination. The data that underpins our database is drawn from our own extensive research and from mining multiple public and private data sources. As we see the cost to manage environmental issues continue to increase, access to trusted data is critical in the responsible management of a property portfolio. Our search tools and screening reports identify a range of current and historical site data relating to potential contaminating land use practices. The result is a highly trusted and cost-effective tool that allows users to assess multiple sites for actual and potential environmental and site contamination risk.
Blog Posts
5th June, 2020
Historic aerial imagery
Historic aerial imagery offers an unprecedented insight into the past, showing us changes that have ...
3rd May, 2020
National Land Use Atlas (NLUA)
National Land Use Atlas developed by LIResources provides information on current and previous land u...
29th April, 2020
Enviro-screen report – due diligence information made easy
Land Insight & Resources products are the most cost-effective solutions in the marketplace to aid yo...
26th March, 2020
Faster turnaround times!
Faster turnaround times! We have made significant improvements in our processing time and operationa...
22nd February, 2020
Former Military Facilities
Legacy contamination at Defence sites can be the result of historical military and land management p...
20th January, 2020
Data Flexibility
Since its inception, LIResources has offered our clientele flexibility and innovation with regards t...
27th November, 2019
Environmental Risks
As the cost to manage environmental issues continues to increase, access to trusted environmental da...
18th October, 2019
Data coverage for New Zealand!
You can now order Enviro-screen reports for the whole of New Zealand. Our current and historical lan...
28th May, 2019
Land Insights May/June 2019
Did you know? The average life expectancy of a single walled steel underground storage tank (USTs) i...
29th April, 2019
RiskViewer will change the way you visualise and analyse historical imagery
Land Insight and Resources is pleased to introduce a powerful, interactive tool for overlaying and a...