Law On Earth
A public self-service legal platform making legal help accessible to everyone no matter where you live or what you earn.Law On Earth
We want to connect the world and make legal services accessible to everyone. The Law On Earth platform contains a free Learning Centre which is geo-tags the right general legal advice for your location, so you can't get the wrong information for the location you're in (given the laws change from State to State). The platform registers companies direct with ASIC and can de-register them too to save you the paperwork! The Document Wizard creates legal documents specific to your needs by slotting in the right legal clause to suit the answer you give to simple questions. Each document comes with a Human Guide explaining every clause in the agreement so you're totally in control and understand what the document can do. Premium Members have access to Premium Guides teaching you exactly how to Administer an Estate or Apply for Divorce and Consent Orders, or how to Review your Lease. And you're not locked into a 12 month subscription, as Premium access is for one month at a time - just when you need it. The portal allows for quick creation of bespoke contracts, agreements including Wills with testamentary trusts, business documents, property documents, claim forms for court and much more. You can manage your own probate applications, business purchases, property purchases, property settlements and even learn how to lodge your own trademarks. If at anytime you need the assistance of a lawyer, simply pay for 20 minute review rather than 2 hours of a lawyers time. The messenger function means you can communicate the lawyer and like your video calls, all chats with lawyers and any documents exchanged are encrypted and stored securely for you to access and rely on if necessary. Your video link will be securely stored on your dashboard so you can watch it over and over again. Law on Earth is your gateway to understanding the law and managing all your legal needs online, in the one place, and of course saving thousands!