Insight. Improvement. Impact.PeopleBench
PeopleBench helps school Systems, Boards, Principals & HR Managers to Build Better School Workforces. Through our school workforce research, on-line benchmarking platform & Community of Practice, we help school leaders to use an evidence base - as well as their intuition - to develop & implement high impact workforce strategies. Increasingly, organisations are realising the power of workforce data and its potential to inform good decision making, allowing leaders to proactively, rather than reactively, address emerging trends. The education sector is excellent at collecting and storing operational and student outcome data, but the potential of this data for improving school performance has yet to be realised. We collaborate with education sector partners through a Community of Practice made up of industry experts and passionate contributors. Throughout 2017 and 2018, 59 schools, comprising 22000 students and 3800 staff members, participated in our pilot project which explored these questions, to start to better understand the relationships between workforce factors and outcomes for students. In early 2019 a further 155 schools from across State, Catholic and Independent sectors contributed to our inaugural State of the Sector report. We have used these insights to create an online platform to help schools make better informed workforce decisions to help achieve better student outcomes