Project 412
Humanity driven Smart CitiesProject 412
At Project 412 we believe technology should be transformative, producing greater productivity, higher levels of safety and greater levels of consumer engagement. Our aim at Project 412 is about building a better system than the one it replaces which is achieved by understanding every facet of the technology that goes with living, working, moving humans and products and our health and wellbeing. At Project 412 we don’t just want to provide you with a technology solution we want to provide you with the tools to develop and find your own smart community solutions. At Project 412 we believe in cleaner, safer and more engaging towns and cities. We are about creating Smart Cities. How we help you At Project412 we leverage a global willingness to partner in technology and innovation ecosystems to develop the infrastructure elements required for end customers: COLLABORATION: Create a collaboration of industry partners, researchers and developers to create innovative solutions to global technology and innovation challenges. BUSINESS CASE: A demonstration space or network of spaces showing industry leaders how technology delivers improvements and makes the case for innovative and new approaches. TRANSFORMATION: A cluster of skills and expertise to develop and prototype innovations that address the whole industry ecosystem not just discrete points. Industry partnerships to tackle ambitious step-change innovation. FUTURE SKILLS: Access to a pipeline of innovation leaders with the experience and expertise to manage transformational change and innovate in technology and innovation for you and your community. COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT: Everything we do is to create a cleaner, safer and more engaging future for people. We will ensure that all facets of the community have an equal say in technology and innovation and readily inform and educate the community.