Pumpfree Energy
PumpFree Energy is a cleantech company that turns waste from commercial kitchens into renewable energy.Pumpfree Energy
PumpFree Energy is a cleantech company that cleans oil from water and turns waste from commercial kitchens into renewable sources of energy. Through world-first innovative technology, PumpFree reduces the amounts of Fats, Oils, and Greases (FOG) going to sewer from commercial kitchens. PumpFree Energy technology has been independently measured to reduce Suspended Solids (SS) by up to 65% and reduce the amount of FOG going to sewer by up to 75%. - On average each person produces 8kgs of grease per year - 1 litre of oil can contaminate up to 1 million litres of ocean water - PumpFree Enegery impacts at least 6 of the United Nations Sustainability Goals
Taken on 2021-01