We provide asset management and power forecast services for renewable power generation and integration, which makes renewable more predictable, manageable and profitable.PVMaster
Our Mission In Australia, Frequency Control Ancillary Services (FCAS) are paid by power plants based on the “causer pays factor” calculated with AEMO. For solar and wind power plants, the “causer pays factor” is proportional to the difference between actual power generation and power forecast made by AEMO. However, these forecasts can be extremely inaccurate and a 100MW solar power plant can be charged over $500, 000 for this issue, which increases the cost of operation and also technically limit the capacity of renewable can be connected to the grid. Renewable Energy Laboratory (REL) is a start-up specialising in data analysis of renewable energy. We own market-leading photovoltaic modelling and solar energy assessment technology, which was originally invented and developed by the company’s founders at the world’s top solar research group in UNSW Sydney. Based on our research on power plant modelling and special AI algorithms for short-term weather forecast based on satellite images, we developed power forecasting technology, “PVMasterTM Power Forecast”, which helps solar and wind farms to reduce their FCAS cost and enables more clean power to be connected to the grid. In addition to the economic benefits of our services, dispatch can be much more optimised and be able to accommodate more generation capacity from solar and wind with our forecasting technology. Our Value We developed a new method to model the optical properties of solar devices. The responses of solar devices under illumination are thoughtfully considered in details. When it is used to model the system performance, it takes the simulation into a new level. Not only daily isolation is used, it is expanded in both time and spectrum scale to generate more accurate estimation of power output. Thus we can evaluate your PV system more precisely. Update We join EnergyLab’s 2020 accelerator program.