Unfold your freedomQuickboats
Quickboats is the owner and designer of the world’s most advanced and simply coolest folding boat. The boat is a multi-award winning product with numerous international patents and design registrations. Our team is dedicated to delivering the easiest to use and most enjoyable boat in the world. We combined the best industrial designers, smartest composites engineers and best manufacturing technology to give you to access the world’s most amazing waterways. Best of all, we deliver this right to your door. There are some 300 Quickboats in use worldwide and over 140 of these on the waterways of Australia. The first production run has SOLD OUT. We plan for production to recommence in the second half of 2016 with focus on the QB 3.1 and QB 3.7 models coming out first. There are many interested purchasers so may we suggest you join our mailing list and we will keep you up to date with product releases. Check out more information about our boats here.
Blog Posts
10th December, 2015
Quickboats SOLD OUT!
Yes Quickboats has SOLD OUT of its entire first proaction run of the QB3.7m Quickboat! We are workin...
26th November, 2015
Taking a Quickboat around Australia
Some Quickboaters in Australia have submitted us some photos of their Quickboating adventures...
10th November, 2015
The12 Coolest Camping Kickstarters
The team at Camplify love the possibilities of Quickboats. "Being able to pack a boat inside your ca...
11th October, 2015
Adventure Unfolds With This FRP Boat
The eyes of Deryck Graham, managing director of Quickboats in Cottesloe, Australia, light up when he...
13th January, 2015
Quickboats on JEC Asia show
Source: http://www.plasticstoday.com/articles/jec-asia-show-folding-composite-boat-makes-waves-20141...
10th November, 2014
Quickboats Pty Ltd recognised as WA Innovator of the Year
Source: Quickboats as WA Innovator Finalist
15th October, 2014
Quickboats, the world’s coolest folding boat, features at the Cape Town International Boat Show
The innovative portable boat, the Quickboat, has recently been launched into South Africa and create...
15th September, 2014
Eastcoast Outdoors Australia making Quickboat news in Mackay
15th September, 2014
Quickboats on Marine Business AU
Source: http://www.marinebusiness.com.au/news/quickboats-set-for-growthQ