Raven IoT
Raven is a Sydney-based startup, now in the early stages of its innovative flagship product launch, the ‘Smart Sash’Raven IoT
Raven IoT is a Sydney-based startup, now in the early stages of its flagship product launch. In June 2018, Raven finalised its patent-pending device, the Smart Sash Monitor. It is a universal, wireless, and low-cost solution to reduce fume hood energy consumption. ----- Fume hoods are ventilation devices found in laboratories worldwide, allowing for hazardous chemicals to be worked with in a safe environment. These are some of the most energy-intensive pieces of laboratory equipment, and there are millions in use worldwide. Raven's new patent-pending IoT device connects to the fume hood window and monitors energy wastage, and presents a way to reduce the annual operating costs of fume hoods by approximately one third, or $2000* AUD per year.