Ripe Robotics

Robotic agriculture services for fruit picking and monitoring.
Ripe Robotics

Every year, over 80 million tons of apples are harvested around the world, most of which are picked by hand. Farmers face ongoing pressure to remain competitive and cut costs, but labour is increasingly difficult to source and if produce is not picked at the right time, it can lead to significant losses. To reduce financial burdens on farmers and increase farm profitability, Ripe Robotics is developing low-cost robots that can reliably pick fruit. Ripe Robotics is using modern robotics to accurately identify the ripeness of produce and safely harvest it at the optimal time. The robots also gather valuable analytics that provides farmers with insights to help them improve produce quality and yield. Future models will autonomously navigate farms and conduct tasks including spraying, pruning, and thinning

Class: 14


Taken on 2020-12