
Australia's Leading Data Specialists. All Things Data. CRN Fast50 2020.

CRN Fast50 2020. RUBIX. provides emerging technology solutions to organisations of all sizes so they can reap the immediate benefits of AI, machine learning and analytics to reach better decisions and become leaders in their field. Using lean agile techniques RUBIX. delivers immediate value through innovation to break down the barriers of silos and legacy. Our specialisations include Data, Analytics, Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain consulting and technology solutions. RUBIX. are experts in helping organisations increase their data maturity and ensure they are leaders in the new economy. As well as specialising in modern technologies, RUBIX. adopts a fresh company culture with Employee Happiness at the core of our business philosophy. It’s just one of the ways we attract the best of the best!

Taken on 2021-01
#big data
#business intelligence
#machine learning