Enabling every organization to create smart search experiencesSajari
Sajari is a real-time, cloud-based search and matching engine. Our machine learning technology is based on a new type of search index called a neural index, which is constantly changing and adapting to automatically improve search results and content recommendations. We’re constantly making improvements to make it effortless for you to create your own search or matching application and get up and running with very little technical knowledge. Using our analytics platform, users are able to dig deep into the search query data and learn what customers are looking for, if they find it and what they do next. Our cloud-based search engine is highly flexible, catering to the needs of businesses of all sizes in a variety of contexts; including search for large information-rich websites, e-commerce and product search, matching professional profiles to job openings, patients to the right doctor and people to upcoming events. In addition, Sajari also deploys artificial intelligence to add human level conceptual understanding, through tagging and categorisation, to massive unstructured data sets.