School Places
Find and claim a place at the right private schoolSchool Places
School Places is a unique online marketplace that matches private school vacancies with parents evaluating their child’s schooling options a year or two in advance. By partnering with private schools, the site helps maximise the school’s revenue through the dynamic pricing of each and every vacancy, incentivising parents to take up places that would otherwise remain empty. School Places helps parents enrol their children into Australia’s leading private schools at a discounted rate. Schools list their vacant places with full flexibility over the discount they set and the number of years the discount will apply. Parents can easily search for and claim a place at a private school that best suits their child’s needs. School Places is truly a win/win/win for all parties involved: Schools maximise their revenue, incumbent parents share the benefits of a better funded school – better facilities, less pressure on future fee increases, and incoming parents can enrol their children in their desired school at a reduced rate.