Speech Frog
We make speech therapy home practice more effective, insightful and fun.Speech Frog
Speech Frog is a software platform that makes speech therapy home practice more effective and fun! Think about any skill you’ve ever tried to improve in your life; a sport, cooking, maybe a hobby. Better practice = better results right? It’s no different when it comes to speech therapy. Consistent, quality practice between sessions helps improve therapy results. By making speech therapy home practice more engaging for kids and delivering useful insights back to therapists, Speech Frog can help clients make better progress towards their therapy goals. And achieving speech therapy goals is important!
Blog Posts
3rd August, 2020
Why Gamifying Speech Therapy Home Practice Makes Sense
The post Why Gamifying Speech Therapy Home Practice Makes Sense appeared first on Speech Frog .
31st July, 2020
Home practice makes perfect
The post Home practice makes perfect appeared first on Speech Frog .