Engineering team coordination in SlackStratejos
Projects are rarely run optimally, there is too much tedious manual admin and data is old by the time you get to it. It's time we ran optimal projects. We're engineers after all. Stratejos is an intelligent assistant for managing software projects and releases.
Blog Posts
29th October, 2019
Quickly find Jira issues from Slack
Can’t quite remember that Jira issue number? Don’t worry, it happens to the best of us. Sometimes yo...
9th October, 2019
The fastest way to add Jira comments from Slack
It is quite typical that Team Leads or QA end up adding the same few comments to the issues that th...
20th September, 2019
Setting up a bug reporting channel in Slack
Want to make it easier for your users to log bugs in Jira? Let’s check out stratejos can help by set...
8th September, 2019
Get a daily bugs summary in Slack
Having a hard time staying on top of the daily flow of bugs reports and fixes? stratejos can help th...
28th August, 2019
Finding the Jira issues you worked on last week
Sometimes it’s hard to remember what you did yesterday, let alone what you worked on last week. If...
22nd August, 2019
Finding bugs resolved last week in Jira
Check out three different ways to keep track of the bugs your team fixed last week. Prompted by this...
19th August, 2019
Deleting your Jira backlog
Wrestling back control of your backlog is easier than you think. It only takes a few minutes to find...
26th July, 2019
Search Jira from Slack using JQL
JQL (Jira Query Language) is a super powerful way to search for issues in Jira. stratejos puts this ...
25th July, 2019
Find Jira issues completed yesterday using JQL
Want to quickly see the Jira issues that were completed yesterday by your team, yourself or the whol...
24th June, 2019
Initial setup and Integration
Setting up stratejos is easy and can be done in less than 10 mins. Setup only needs to be done once ...