Sweaty Chair Studios
We make mobile games with a focus on real-time interactive 2D graphics, music, storyline and above all, FUN.Sweaty Chair Studios
Founding Sweaty Chair Studio was founded in 2013 by a group of passionate and creative people. With the aim to create innovative, unique and fun mobile games. We came from various specialized fields such as digital arts, game design and web development. We are also on the lookout for fresh graduates and interns who majors in game development and digital media to join our growing family. Getting Known We started our first game "Go2School" and launched a Kickstarter crowdfunding project by the end of 2013. It has caught a lot of attention that helped us secure investments so we were able to release the game by 2014. We support the Gaming Community by constantly participating local game jams. Three of our games were conceived on Game Jams. First is "Rainmaker - The Beautiful Flood" and it was published on 2014. In following year, our second game created from Global Game Jam calls "No Humanity", which received the Best Game and Best Audio award. Both Rainmaker and No Humanity were featured multiple times on the Apple App Store. Furthermore, No Humanity has accumulated more than 1.5 million downloads all over the world. On 2017 Our third game born from Game jam is "3DTD: Chicka Invasion". Again, it has been feature in both Apple App Store and Google Plays, and gained a huge amount of players in Asian countries. Recent and Future With the advent of Augmented Reality(AR) in 2017, we have envisioned that it is the future of gaming and by combining Multiplayer we will bring the fun on the go. On the foreseeable future we will be focusing on AR, multiplayer casual games, and as always, we will continue to develop quality games that will bring joy, fun and excitement to everyone. Meanwhile, we are also very interested in the blockchain technology, which we believe that it will be a world-changer in coming years. Currently, there is not much games and technologies connecting game and blockchain technology, and able to bring the best gaming experience to players.
Blog Posts
2nd June, 2021
Develop Redeem Code API With Laravel For Mobile App/Game
Have you ever wanted to add a redeem code feature to your game or app? A redeem code system is alway...
18th January, 2021
The Present and Future of Australia’s Gaming Industry
In 2019, the Australian gaming industry earned $ 3.16 billion in total revenues—which was its first ...
4th January, 2021
Calculate Player LTV of Your Game/App in a Spreadsheet
You made a great game/app and it has started giving you revenue. You are able to consider buying use...
30th October, 2020
The Psychology Behind Horror Games
OooOo, it’s that spooky time of the year! Bring out the Halloween decorations, prepare your scary mo...
19th October, 2020
Coding Guideline for Unity C#
As a programmer, it is very important to follow a coding standard and make sure others can read and ...
29th September, 2020
8 Must-Have Unity Plugins for Mobile Game Dev
We have been working for mobile games in Unity for 8+ years. Throughout these years, we purchased an...
28th September, 2020
PS5 Title Highlights and How The Console Effects Game Developers
The PS5 showcase left the gaming world thinking “Ahh, what a time we live in”, as Sony had been stor...
20th August, 2020
What indies can learn from hardcore games
What makes an indie game studio stand out from the crowd? A simple answer is to be innovative and di...
26th June, 2020
10 Games You Should be Playing During Quarantine
Are you stuck in Quarantine with nothing to do? You should absolutely start playing some video games...
16th June, 2020
How-to Link Your Social Media Feeds To Discord
Do you want discord to automatically post your social media updates without you having to lift a fin...