Translating brain and body signals into interaction with the world for everyoneThought-Wired
Thought-Wired is building a non-invasive universal brain-computer interface (BCI). This interface will enable anyone to intuitively interact with any device using their mind. We have already built and launched a product that is changing people's lives and is the first step on the path to the universal BCI. This product is Nous™ Blink. Nous Blink lets people control assistive software by blinking. It only uses your intentional blinks, so you can still blink comfortably. A wearable headset detects intentional blinks, while our software uses them to 'click' on a computer. Nous Blink is a unique switch access method, as it is affordable, simple, user friendly, and faster than alternative switch access methods. See more at www.getnous.app