Today We Learned
Empower parents to start better learning conversationsToday We Learned
Today We Learned is a website and app that makes it easy and fast for teachers to send a class-wide update home to every family, which helps parents and students have better learning conversations at home. Research shows these conversations help with memory retention and student motivation, leading to higher student engagement, better behaviour and stronger learning outcomes. (See the research) They've built Today They Learned from the ground up to give teachers a parent engagement strategy that transforms their class and saves them time.
Blog Posts
16th July, 2021
Welcome to issue 256! This week we build React Portfolio, talk micro-frontends, CSS inheritance and ...
9th July, 2021
Welcome to issue 255! This week we see the Modern Full-Stack, make React Components conditional, man...
2nd July, 2021
Welcome to issue 254! This week we setup AirBnB Style Guide for React, host React for free, use i18n...
24th June, 2021
Welcome to issue 253! This week we check React Map Libraries, use React Viewports, get started with ...
18th June, 2021
Welcome to issue 252! This week we learn everything new in React 18, share React components everywhe...
11th June, 2021
Welcome to issue 251! This week we learn React 18, use React 18 Alpha, combine TypeScript with React...
3rd June, 2021
Welcome to issue 250! Wow! We’ve actually reached 250! Thank you for being with us. The best is yet ...
27th May, 2021
Welcome to issue 249. This week we build React Component Library, use Particles.js, learn modern Rea...