
Collect your discoveries, create publications and share it amongst the tribe.

Each day you learn something new, whether in casual conversation, or more formal meetings. Much of this knowledge is valuable not only to you, but also to others. The problem is that this knowledge loses value when we lock it away in documents that lie dormant on a hard drive or bookshelf somewhere. What if you could not only capture, store and organise the information you discover through friends and colleagues, but also share and trade it with others that would find it valuable. TribalMind is a cooperative research and problem solving platform. We help you by surface the knowledge you have developed over time, and make it more valuable to yourself, and to others. We do this by tracking your digital footprint as you solve a problem, or conduct research. We then use this information to help you build engaging eBooks that you can publish, track and reuse.



Taken on 2021-02
#social network