Naturally Simple GrowingUrbotanica
Urbotanica is founded on the principals of bringing the wonders and knowledge of the Botanical world to an Urban environment. In our rapidly urbanising populations, the connection to the land and the food that we eat is being lost, but there is no reason that this has to continue, and we believe that nobody wants this to continue. Everyone is becoming increasingly concerned with the war on waste, sustainable living, food supplies, water conservation, reducing food miles and plastic usage. Our mantra of Learn, Grow, Share is predicated on the knowledge of the botanical world transferring to the brownest of thumbs anywhere, and then being shared with their loved ones, and the broader community. Urbotanica began its journey in 2014 in Western Australia when a couple of like-minded individuals came together, recognising the opportunity to utilise years of horticultural and micro gardening design experience to develop an easy growing solution, able to work in even the most urbanized of home environments. The idea for the Urbipod was born. The UrbiPod, our launch product, is now in it's second production run with over 1,500 units being sold Australia-Wide. We are proud to manufacture the UrbiPod right here in Australia, proving the concept that we don't need to outsource production to Asia in order to have a successful product. We are also very proud to be using the Activ Foundation, a disability workshop, right here in Perth for the assembly of our UrbiPod. They do a fantastic job. We believe that the distributer model employed by some of Australia's largest retailers is the driving factor in sending Australian manufacturing jobs offshore, and have therefore made a policy to not deal with these types of retailers. Instead we have been working with a number of partners directly such as Kitchen Warehouse, WA Hospitality Supplies, Retrovision Geraldton, Two Dogs as well as online partners such as Vertical Gardens to increase our retail presence.