Delivering a circular economy edge for investors and cleaner, smarter and cheaper utility services for local industryUtilitas
Utilitas Group develops regional bioHubs that create energy, jobs and value from waste. Utilitas designs, builds and operates the bioHubs. We engage with large organic waste producers and energy consumers to treat their waste and supply energy (electricity, gas, fuel) at locked in long term pricing. Utilitas is on a mission to unleash the power of bioHubs to fuel industry, support networks and energise communities by delivering 100MW of dispatchable, reliable, local electricity and other bioproducts from 100 bioHubs in 100 regional communities by 2025. We are useful to Local Government and existing utility businesses because we provide an affordable way to value-add existing energy, waste and sewage infrastructure. We are also useful to food and drink producers impacted by well publicised electricity price increases and gas supply shortages. Our bioHubs contract with STPs, agribusiness and local food and drink producing “anchor tenants”. We treat their organic waste sustainably, reducing their treatment and disposal costs, odour and emissions. We then sell back reliable and affordable electricity or gas in long term contracts. Utilitas bioHubs have European style tank based anaerobic digesters (AD) at the heart of the project. This is a well proven, safe and reliable technology that recovers energy from organic waste streams in a similar way to our digestive system derives energy from the food that we heat. Utilitas designs the process and specifies proven technologies.
Blog Posts
20th August, 2021
Bundaberg talks about hydrogen – Bundaberg Now
23rd April, 2021
Biogas to Hydrogen Mobility Projects
23rd April, 2021
Regional Australia getting 100 new bioHub stations – Energy Source & Distribution (esdnews.com.au)
23rd April, 2021
Bundaberg’s bright bio-hydrogen future is dawning – Bundaberg Now
23rd April, 2021
The ‘bioHub’ buildout that will put waste to work | EcoGeneration
20th October, 2020
Mustard power – PRIME7 News North West
6th October, 2020
Bundaberg bioHub industrial park open for business
Bundaberg bioHub industrial park open for business
6th October, 2020
Digesting the Facts about Renewable Natural Gas
Reference: Southern California Gas Company (SoCalGas)