Waste Ninja
Resource recovery company with a specialist focus on the collection and recycling of food/organic waste.Waste Ninja
Each year, Australians send over 7 million tonnes of food/organic waste to landfill, wasting precious resources and releasing methane, a potent greenhouse gas, into the atmosphere. It doesn't have to be this way. Waste Ninja is a specialist waste management business committed to the source-separation, collection and recovery of food/organic waste. We've partnered with Australia's leading providers of organic recovery solutions to take the hassle out of organics recycling, delivering convenient/responsible waste management solutions that work for you. Examples of some of the food waste we can process are as follows: Used coffee grounds Out of date products off the supermarket shelf Fruit and vegetable waste Food and meat processing waste (including DAF waste) Bakery waste Dairy food processing Brewery waste Grease trap waste Agricultural waste and dust (including non-commercial value grains) Horticultural and greenhouse organics Fish and fish processing waste Soft drink and bottling wastes