Wize Dynamics
Automatic Identification And Monitoring of Wildlife Through Computer VisionWize Dynamics
Wize Dynamics is an emerging name in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and embedded systems. Our first product is WIICD: Wildlife Intelligently Identified and Counted. Identification is currently based on visual recognition. Via a camera with an integrated AI that will identify the specified target(s) (up-to 6000 objects simultaneously, with training), count and record (individual and accumulative) and automatically produce a report, as specified by the customer. Thus, overcoming the problems of traditional counting methods, and currently used Camera Traps by providing: 1. Accuracy. 2. Time and cost efficiency. 3. Risk elimination/reduction. 4. AI-Tailored Reporting. 5. Response Integration. Wize Dynamics aims to help in implementation of New South Wales Government’s 2018-2023 Invasive Species plan as well as determining biodiversity for environmental impact studies and urban planning.