workRestart is a not-for-profit social enterprise that aims to empower people with an experience of incarceration to re-start their lives and positively contribute to the community they live in.WorkRestart
People with an experience of incarceration have some of the worst health, economic and social outcomes of all Australians. Almost half the people released from prison will reoffend and return within two years. This is known as recidivism, and Australia’s 46% recidivism rate comes at a significant financial and social cost. Recidivism creates a ripple effect that negatively impacts individuals, their families and their communities. We know that people with a criminal record are often significantly disadvantaged before their conviction, due to a lack of education, skills and work experience. They often lack stable housing, financial and social capital and suffer health issues and substance addiction which puts them at high risk of long-term, intergenerational welfare dependence and incarceration. WorkRestart breaks this cycle. We work inside the prison system to help train, educate, build resilience and create hope with incarcerated people, empowering them for a positive future. We also help to establish social enterprises that can provide employment opportunities on release. WorkRestart’s unique employment programs and “inside-to-outside” social impact model changes lives. Our team is dedicated to empowering ex-offenders to restart their lives through employment and education. To date, we’ve been able to help reduce recidivism rates by nearly 40%.