Zella DC
A micro data centre for the next-generation server roomZella DC
No one knows more about the challenges businesses face when it comes to housing critical ICT infrastructure within the office or remote site better than the businesses themselves….and Zellabox. The bold idea to completely eliminate the need to build dedicated server rooms within the office space anywhere and everywhere while saving money on energy and space at the same time was where it all began. That was over 8 years ago and we have not stopped innovating since. Today Zella DC simplifies the selection, flexible configuration and delivery of robust customized micro data centers that generates confidence in our partners and customers that their valuable business technology will operate at 100% capacity and be protected in any environment and against any threat. We don’t do this with our heads in the sand. We take customer feedback so seriously that each and every time we receive feedback a change is made, no matter how small to improve the product and the way our customers feel about us. That’s how important it is to us. Our team is made up of passionate, experienced and knowledgeable people that are dedicated to the micro data center industry and focused on building something so amazing that you will never worry about your ICT infrastructure again.