Allectus Capital
Allectus Capital
Allectus Capital Limited (managed by ICM Limited) is a long term, active investor and asset manager who seeks out investments that may disrupt existing businesses and technologies. We focus on companies that are developing proprietary ideas and intellectual property that are changing the industries they are involved in. Allectus oversees and supports c.US$300m in technology investments, principally in the Asia Pacific and United Kingdom, for clients of ICM Limited (ICM). Allectus is owned by ICM and UIL Limited and is managed by ICM Limited. We invest in, and nurture, companies that potentially have: - a world class product with a compelling solution; - a market leading team and robust business plan; and - the ability to scale rapidly by utilising our global network of investment professionals and portfolio companies. We partner with and support our investment companies through regular management contact and active communication across the ICM Group portfolio. We invest with the future in mind and look for deep value in our investments.