Predictive mapping when it matters mostFloodMapp
FloodMapp is a world-first flood modelling solution purpose built for flood forecasting and early warning. Aimed at improving safety and preventing damage, FloodMapp provides highly accurate, real-time, property-level and dynamic flood inundation and depth insights for businesses exposed to flooding. This kind of data can enable more accurate reserve calculations, immediate portfolio exposure statistics, risk mitigation and loss prevention, positive NPS and street-level binding restrictions as well as minimising business interruption and lost productivity, mitigating risk for staff and assets, effective loss prevention and minimising lost productivity. We predominantly service the utilities, mining, insurance and public sector. FloodMapp combines big data analytics, automation and machine learning techniques with novel hydrology and hydraulic models to achieve large-scale, rapid flood modelling. Our proprietary technology reads in real-time and forecasted rainfall and river height data, which our models use to estimate predicted peak river heights at scale at scale and generate large scale inundation mapping.