SME/Course Author for "Attracting, Evaluating and Retaining Talent" course build at Curio

Higher Education, Education, Other, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia melbourne
Posted 1 years ago

About Curio Faculty

Curio, a leading education consulting and learning experience company, works with universities, vocational education providers, schools and companies to drive change through learning.

We have led the online learning transformation of many of our clients and partners through a focus on the creation of exceptional learning experiences, through course design and online facilitation.

Curio Faculty provides quality education services to universities, vocational education providers, other higher education providers, and corporate partners and not for profits.

We are passionate educators who believe in the power of expert content development and online facilitation to deliver exceptional learner outcomes.


This course, to be developed, is part of a new Masters of Human Resources Online program. The SME will partner with Keypath on the course development.

This will be an intensive job – ideally, they would start ASAP to end of July.

Number of hours: 160 hours

Pay rate: $100/hour

Work Duration: NOW to END OF JULY 2023

Deadline for Application: 26 May 2023

Course Description

International Trade: Negotiations and Agreements consists of three modules: Module I: Trade in the Modern World Economy: an introduction to the global economy and international trade; gains from trade; value-added statistics for international trade; global and regional agreements and institutions; social issues and international trade. Module II: Trade Agreements and Instruments of Trade Policy: main agreements in the WTO trading system; understanding schedules of concessions in goods, services & agriculture; conduct of trade negotiations. Module III: Negotiation of Trade Agreements: characteristics of non-WTO economies; the politics, conduct and consequences of WTO accession; dispute settlement in ; organisation of the Australian and United States governments on trade issues; and lobbying (success and failure case studies) in connection with trade negotiations.

The course is delivered through a blended learning approach with teaching materials and online modules provided through the MyUni course page. Students are expected to complete all online modules prior to the face-to-face sessions.

Learning Outcomes

The International Trade: Negotiations and Agreements course aims to build internationally competitive knowledge and understanding in the area of international trade by challenging students to engage in cognitive and critical thinking skills and requiring them to demonstrate the ability to analyse and integrate information across the broad disciplines of economics, law and politics in both a domestic and international context.

On successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

  • Evaluate trade in the modern world through studying the global institutions involved in the multilateral trading system, the gains from trade and social issues affected by trade;
  • Explain the elements of international trade by reviewing the historical development of multilateral agreements and instruments of trade policy;
  • Critically reflect on how trade agreements are negotiated in the WTO;
  • Analyse the influence of key actors and institutions on multilateral trade;
  • Critically examine the operation and application of multilateral trade agreements in a practical context; and
  • Apply effective writing, research and presentation skills in the construction of policy argument and analysis on international trade issues.

Position Summary

A subject-matter expert (SME) is a person who is an authority in an area, topic or discipline.

SMEs are engaged to assist the development or re-development of a course (subject). They may contribute, author, research and provide a high level of assistance as well as expertise in the development or re-development of the course.

SMEs may collaborate with Learning Designers and Course Coordinators during the development or re-development of courses. This may include updating an existing course or the assessments within an existing course, creating a course map for a new course, developing a prototype, and building a full course.

SMEs are often sourced from industry, consultancies, partner organisations, or recruitment organisations.

Key responsibilities and Duties:

  • Participate in workshops to map out the overall curriculum and course architecture, the assessment strategy in overview, and the more finely grained structure of individual learning activities, contents, test questions
  • Participate, as required, in workshops or conversations with clients, partners and industry to mine their expertise and understand how they will be able to contribute
  • Work with Learning Designer to design activities, develop authentic and engaging learning activities, create performance tasks and identify opportunities for automated formative feedback
  • Write course content based on a pre-agreed course map, ensuring appropriate referencing
  • Deliver course content according to project timelines
  • Assist in planning for the development of bespoke videos, writing interview questions/prompts
  • Communicating with University librarians around resources to be located / cleared
  • Identify resources to be used
  • Communicate with graphic designers on images to be designed for the course
  • Source contemporary course content material
  • Write assessment tasks and rubrics with the learning designer and/or learning and teaching experts from partner/client and creating any assessment materials such as case studies or data sets
  • Quality assurance of each learning activity in the final learning design from a SME perspective
  • Incorporate feedback and changes as required by the client/partner

Objectives of this role:

This role of Subject Matter Expert (SME) is primarily to provide relevant subject matter content for online courses. The SME works in close collaboration with Learning Experience Designers and Developers and partners/clients to develop meaningful and engaging courses, support resources and learning experiences based on the objectives and learning outcomes of the learning experience. The design and development of learning experiences is typically closely project managed but also dynamic and fast paced, to achieve project deadlines, and entails highly developed communication and collaboration.


Skills and Qualifications:

  • must have Masters or PhD degree relative to the topic
  • Have experience in course development.
  • Online teaching experience in a relevant field, tertiary level is highly desirable
  • Experience in curriculum design, online course content development is highly desirable
  • Contemporary Industry and/or professional practice experience and currency in relevant field
  • Contemporary knowledge of e-learning trends and student learning is highly desirable
  • Ability to write course content that is responsive to the learner audience
  • Demonstrated commitment to high quality teaching in delivery; an ability to lead a workshop and facilitate in an engaging and original way.
  • Ability to work as part of a team with Learning Experience Designers and Developers and Clients/Partners
  • An interest in online learning pedagogy
  • Hold a solutions-oriented approach
  • Ability to self-manage time, and to work to deadlines
  • Openness and ability to receive feedback, incorporating input from diverse perspectives
  • Strong communication and interpersonal skills

Key Selection Criteria

  • SMEs must have a relevant area, topic or discipline or related field if the topic area is new or developing
  • Must be an industry leader or thought leader in the relevant area, topic or discipline
  • Experience running workshops and/or presenting at conferences or industry events
  • Will happily collaborate with Learning Designers and Course Coordinators
  • Has an understanding/passion for online learning and online pedagogy
  • Excellent communication skills
  • Can work towards milestones and deadlines - course map, prototype, full course
  • Enjoys telling a story - narrative, structure, sequencing
  • Can think outside the box to reimagine a course vision, mission and objectives